How do you spell sourcing success S-A-M-P-L-E-S

If the shoe fits, wear it, as the saying goes, but first you have to find the shoe to try it on. It is no different when it comes to sourcing the right product for your market from....

9 things only a large company can obtain in ChinaVietnam

I see some good advice, published in Linkedin or elsewhere, aimed at importers sourcing products from China, Vietnam, or other low-cost Asian countries. A lot of this advice is sou....

Trust Key to successful sourcing partnerships

Is honesty still the best policy? If it builds trust, which is more important than ever in an increasingly global economy, then the answer is yes. If you are looking to import prod....


About is a Global E-Commerce B2B platform that Connects China Manufacturers and Buyers around the World. At, we're helping make sourcing easy! Find just about anythi....

Three Most Common Problems Faced During Product Development

Three Most Common Problems Faced During Product Development: Managing the Prototyping Process Controlling Product Costs Find the Right Manufactur....


Production & Lead Time in Asia: A Complete Guide

Lead times, when outsourcing production to Asia, involves much more than assembly, packing and shipment. Yet, many importers are far too optimistic about the time it actually takes to get from ....

Payment Methods When Importing From China – Complete Guide

About to pay a manufacturer in China? The payment method, and the process, often has a major impact on the outcome. In fact, it can spell the difference between success and failure, when buying....